Dani Jakob

Berlin, Germany
APT Berlin

Today, when working in my studio or doing site-specific installations in museums, it feels like being on top of that mountain, surrounded by nature, even though I’m mostly in the middle of a city.

This state is hard to describe, kind of atmospheric noise.

I feel the need to re-create this noise time after time as a point of origin for everything else.

It´s like trying to reproduce the same one image again and again, an image I already know very well.

Dani Jakob, Ripatransone, Italy, June 2014.

The text is part of an email conversation between Martin Germann, S.M.A.K. Gent and Dani Jakob.


Dani Jakob, born in 1973 in Freiburg i./Br. is based in Berlin.

She has contributed to numerous exhibitions in Germany and outside, amongst others CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Städt. Galerie Remscheid; ArtBasel/Nicolas Krupp; Galerie Deborah Schamoni, München; Galerie Linn Lühn, Düsseldorf; Galerie Joanna Kamm, Berlin; Sammlung Falckenberg/ Deichtorhallen Hamburg; Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg; Pace Wildenstein Gallery, NY; MeyerRiegger Karlsruhe; Kunstverein Frankfurt; Sammlung Falckenberg/Phoenix Kunsthallen; ZKM Karlsruhe; ArtBasel Statements; Kunsthaus Glarus; 4th Berlin Biennale, Berlin; and The approach, London.





For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art