Thomas Schroeren

Leipzig, Germany
APT Berlin

Thomas Schroeren was born 1981 in Herborn, Germany. He studied Fine Art at Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main, from 1999 till 2002 and graduated as Meisterschüler of Christa Näher. Most of his soloshows have been dealing with objects and feelings, such as his acclaimed solo exhibitions “Das Leben ist das was passiert während du mit etwas anderem beschäftigt bist (Life is what happens while you are busy doing something else)” at Hotel Galerie, Berlin, and “Stimmungsaufheller” at Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin, as well as “Jetzt kaufe ich mir Freizeit (Now I‘ll buy me some spare time)”, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, and “Big Easy Inn Amazonas”, 2010 at SchlechtriemBrothers. Thomas Schroeren has been member of the Berlin art space ‘Galerie Antik’ and he participated at group exhibitions such as “Die coolste Show von Coolhausen”, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin, “Nach dem Beischlaf ist die Seele traurig”, Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, “Niveaualarm”, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Autocenter, Berlin, “Niemand bedarf der Bedürftigen - No one needs the needy”, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin, and “L’oiseau présente: Psychologie & Abstraktion”, 2011 at Ballhaus Ost. Most recent exhibitions include “Seven, Zu Gast (II)”, DEVOTOART at Kunstsaele, Berlin, “Augenweide: Sehmänner verboten!” with Stefan Mannel at Galerie Andreas Höhne, Munich, and “Ars Apokalipsis. Kunst und Kollaps”, at Veerhoffhaus Kunstverein Kreis Güthersloh. 

The artist lives and works in Berlin and is represented by Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin.

"Many of Thomas Schroeren’s works deal with feelings, moods and the (probably) hopeless attempt to liberate oneself from the material conditions of everyday life. The smiley motif whose forced cheerfulness shouldn’t be trusted, could be concealing dissatisfaction or depression. They might also be a form of auto-suggestion – a self-imposed imperative to hope. The large mosaic with the title Take me out of myself and set me free (2007) is a ‘self-portrait’ made from folded origami paper. It resembles a child’s game with a Pop art quality. Two photos of the artist’s face serve as eyes. They survey the whole space in this exhibitino at Galerie Sandra Burgel, but also laconically suggest that one’s own “I” can never be fully abandoned. Schroeren’s multimedia works are largely made up of found, ‘impoverished’ materials, and refer – like Kai Althoff – to the hippy tradition of an alternative lifestyle. Nevertheless, they seem less concerned with a utopian context that with the everyday world. His interventions have the humor and the spontaneity of improvisations, and are often strikingly simple, such as his street-style temple-shack. Schroeren’s works make room for the visionary without being escapist, encountering social reality with resourceful resistance." by Esther Buss, exhibition review, Flash Art, No 257, November-December 2007, p 67.

For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art