Berlin Show #5: Collectors’ Loop

Berlin, Berlin, 02/10/2017 - 04/08/2017

Heidestrasse 50


Galeria Plan B is pleased to announce Berlin Show #5: Collectors’ Loop, a series of group exhibitions with selected video works from private collections. The Berlin Show programme sporadically examines the mechanisms of art production and display, shifting the focus from the outcome – the artwork or exhibition – to the methods, procedures, and “professional kits” involved, questioning their nature and dynamics in a reality check exercise.

Berlin Show #5: Collectors’ Loop explores the relationship between gallery and collector beyond the logic of acquisition that traditionally connects them. The gallery-collector relationship implies mutual understanding and trust, as well as sharing distinctive, defining values developed over the years during the process of getting to know each other better. As video art is often able to elude art market speculation, it offers a context for the intellectual exchange to become central to this relationship.

The selection of works in the exhibition is the result of a personal, subjective parcours curated by the gallerists starting from the material provided by the collector and a mutually inspiring conversation. The exhibition also tackles impossible juxtapositions, declined proximities, the risk of dissonance and the invisible limits of displaying the collection in a gallery, rather than in the collector's private viewing space. 

For More Information


Victor Man

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