La frontera nos cruzó

Museo de la Inmigración (MUNTREF), Distrito Federal, Buenos Aires, 09/19/2015 - 12/31/2015

Av. Antártida Argentina 1355, Buenos Aires



APT artist Yael Bartana / Border Art Workshop (BAW / TAF) / Ariella Azoulay / Chen Chieh-jen / Ursula Biemann / Laura Waddington / Jean-Charles Hue / Simona Koch / Babi Badalov / Christoph Doering / Yana I / Notorische Reflexe. Curated Imhoff & Alyosha Kantuta Quiros.


 "We have not crossed the border, the border has crossed us." (Los Tigres del Norte)

 "A borderland is a vague and undetermined place created by the emotional residue of an unnatural boundary. The border between Mexico and the United States is an open wound where the Third Pundo scraped against the first and bleeds. And before a scab forms, bleed again, the lifeblood of two worlds merging to form a third country, a border culture open .Herida 1,950 miles long / dividing a people, a culture / running the length my body / nailing fences in my flesh / I part my hand / I slit my raja "

Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands - The Border - The New Mestiza (1987)

Wall and passage, and suture breakage, edge and threshold between several worlds. "The border crossed us" is an exhibition of artists' films, dedicated to psychic and imaginary geographical border areas as conflicted areas in continuous movement, in which they ride different places and time frames. It is through a web of stories and images that emerge, as these 'real and imagined spaces' are produced, established and lived. As well as suggest Barbara Hooper, the body is one of the most critical sites to observe the production and reproduction of power. Border beings are themselves borders: their bodies are places where they meet, intersect and overlap, such as scars, various borders, borders between languages, between genders, between life and death. Between two spaces, de-identification and dangerous alchemy, which secrete what others called 'border thinking'.

For More Information


Yael Bartana

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