Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico, Mexico, 02/03/2015 - 04/18/2015

Calle Durango 53, Roma Norte, Cuauhtémoc


One Finger

The remote likelihood of understanding the structure of the universe in the short span of a life that is made up of spiral echoes happens at that improbable moment when I assume the "nothingness" I am meant to interpret, like those who invoke a regenerating vision, or who place themselves at the threshold of the ordeal, negating their personality, and sinking into emptiness.

"Form is emptiness, emptiness is form," concludes the author of the Prajna Paramita, establishing the ontological enigmas of quantum physics.  

But, where is the emptiness that transforms consciousness?

In the profane space, filled with toxic air, loaded with archaic insurrection, silenced voices?

In the luminous space, plugged with black holes, the tunnels at the bottom of the abyss that lead to what no one wants to see?

In the fatal substance of a seductive mirage?

In the strength of mental illusion?

In the atomic energy that pulses ad infinitum at the intersection of this symbol:

   †    ?

In the final re-absorption? 

Or in the reflection of myself?


‘Whatever he was asked, Master Gutei would only raise one finger into the air. 

Gutei had a young attendant, whom a visitor asked: 

“What is this Zen your Master teaches?”

The boy held up a finger too.

Hearing of this, Gutei cut off the boy's finger with a knife.

As the boy ran away screaming with pain, Gutei called him. 

When the boy turned his head, Gutei raised his finger.

The boy was suddenly enlightened.’


Mumonkan (3. Gutei's One Finger)

When content is removed from shapes—before inciting any type of material or psychological expression—so that they only manifest their outer limits, and hide their inconfessable body, emptiness reveals, at last, its true and omnipresent nature, like the sacred laughter language cannot define.

Thus, when the forces that strip content and power of transformation of off artistic movements attempt to swallow these shapes, they will find them hollow and will not be able to do so, as there will be nothing left for them to devour. 

For More Information


Ricardo Rendón

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