
Century 22 Real Estate

FRAMIS STUDIO, Noord-Holland, Amsterdam, 09/23/2016

Arie Biemonstraat 111 1054 PD Amsterdam


Opening studio of Century 22
Arie Biemonstraat 111
1054 PD Amsterdam
6 pm

More info and invitations will follow soon!

Framis establishes a real estate company: Century 22 Real Estate, inspired by the the well-known international real estate firm Century 21. Framis’s company is responsible for developing new ways of houses for NON BINARY FAMILIES. Until now most of the houses force us to live like a governmental model of the family: father, mother and 2 children. Nowadays there are many ways of feeling as a family, with same-sex couples, transgenders, gender fluidity, or other affectionate relationships etc.

Framis is developing: films, models, performances, drawings and a magazine to communicate to society these new ways of living together, that are in her case, urgent now a days. Wait and see, new models of domestic life for new non binary families!

For More Information


Alicia Framis

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