

Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Wien, Vienna, 06/09/2016 - 07/23/2016

Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna, Austria


The crisis is not only present today – it is a constantly recurring narrative, a cyclical guest, and a messenger of social and geopolitical upheaval. It is an abstract and elusive construct that calls for reform, discipline, and struggle. These imperatives trigger physical discomfort, mental hardship, and leeway for exploitation. This condition causes the carousel in search for a secure existence, freedom of choice and participation to spin ever faster, and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep pace with this acceleration or to find an own rhythmic interval and put it into play.

In this exhibition we investigate and (de)construct the character of the crisis. It is an attempt to probe the ambiguous status quo. The artistic works address notions of social manipulation, discontinuity, and value creation along with historical and contemporary precedents, with the aim to transfer the crisis and its phantoms into concrete and tangible states of thought, to outfox them, and to transform them into spatial constructs and relationships.


FR 10 06 16, 5:00 – 7:00 pm: Artist Talk Crisis as ideology? with Seth Weiner, Miklós Erhardt, Ferhat Özgür

WE 15 06 16, 5:00 – 7:00 pm: Artist Talk Crisis as ideology? with Marianne Flotron, Anna, Hofbauer, Markus Proschek

WE 15 06 16, 7:00 pm: book presentation: Hilde de Bruijn (live), Stefanos Tsivopoulos (via Skype): ARCHIVE CRISIS. Shaking up the Shelves of History: A Visual Essay on Media Images from the Recent Political Past of Greece

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