
Mojé Assefjah: On the Other Side of the Grape Gardens

Galerie Tanit - Beirut, Beyrouth, Beirut, 03/12/2015 - 04/18/2015

East Village Building - Ground Floor, Armenia Street, Mar Mikhael


Looking at Mojé Assefjah’s paintings we can only be in awe of the clarity of her expression. Interlaced curved lines of material reveal the mysterious beauty of “the intangible”. Each painting is a vision, a view, a scene, awakening deep intuitions, elating emotions. They are an invitation for the eye to look through this famous window opened on the world often mentioned by theorists - a window opened on history and on the various cultures that belong to it. Here lines and shapes find their own visual language.

In the heart of the pictorial space, oriental and occidental cultures are combined. Born in Teheran in 1970, Mojé Assefjah immigrates to Germany in 1986; there she studied painting and conceived an original artistic vocabulary.

Because of an education largely influenced by Abstract Expressionism, the artist uses the traditional egg tempera medium. Her interest for the Italian Renaissance, be it technical or theoretical, is infused with the mystical beauty of the visual production of Ancient Persia. This creates a multiplicity of lyrical and visual questions, bringing together different pictorial interpretations of reality.

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Mojé Assefjah

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