

Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, Beijing, 03/07/2015 - 04/12/2015

319-1 Caochangdi Village, Chaoyang District


Opens on March 7th, 2015, "Mandala" is the first collaborative project between APT artist Yang Maoyuan and Platform China. The exhibition displays new works by the artist discussing cultural distance, cultural exchanges and clashes.
Although this is an exhibition of new works, it is also a periodic summary of Yang's art. The ballon camel was especially eye-catching. Yang explained that the swollen animal represents a mysterious and curious force. It is an inexplicable and unreconcilable paradox, implying the importance of air to living beings, as well as the conflict between the pain of expansion and the perfection of the round shape."Circle" is also the original meaning of "Mandala" in Sanskrit. 

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