
Nilbar Güres: Double-headed Snake

Rampa Gallery, Istanbul, Istanbul, 11/25/2016 - 12/30/2016

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Rampa presents ‘Double-headed Snake,’ an exhibition of works by Nilbar Güreş in Rampa. Prior to her extensive solo exhibition which will take place next year, the show represents a sampling of the artists recent inclinations. The exhibition is comprised of sculptures and collage works never before shown in Istanbul, many of which she created for seminal shows at museums, institutions and biennials she participated in recently.

The walls of the project room are painted in a soft hue and the window to the street draped, partially obscuring the contents of the exhibition. It is at once solitary and public, revealed and concealed − much like the artist’s works themselves. The title of the show is suggestive, metaphoric, and too, the name of Güreş’ sculpture which rests on a rock within the space. The work is a knit snake, rainbow patterns denoting its two heads. This work, and the others, hold their own subversive and subtle stories, asking the viewer to come close, read clues, and decipher what is being being told.

The exhibition is like a winter garden, an enclosed oasis telling private stories, with the sculpture, after which the show is titled, acting as a kind of reference point, a narrator.

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