
The Sublime

LUBOMIROV / ANGUS-HUGHES, London, London, 10/01/2016 - 10/23/2016

26 Lower Clapton Rd, London E5 0PD

전시에 관하여

Ambrosine Allen | Mohammed Qasim Ashfaq | Oliver Beer | Gordon Cheung | Susan Derges | Nicolas Feldmeyer | Calum Mclure | Marten Lange | Nadege Meriau | Lois Patino | Santeri Tuori

Romanticism emerged in the late C18th and early C19th in reaction to academic art's rigidity and the Enlightenment's cerebral outlook, with artists communicating their emotional response to the world. Artists continue to create works that engage with the natural world’s beauty through works which engender heightened responses or draw attention to smaller details, stir awe, or even transcendental experience.

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전시중인 APT 작가

Nadège Mériau

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