
Growing Things

KRABBESHOLM HØJSKOLE, Midtjylland, Skive, 08/21/2016 - 09/04/2016


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Four Boxes on Krabbesholm welcome “Growing Things”, a separate exhibition of APT artist Anna Fro Vodder. The exhibition consists of new paintings, collages and works on paper, and a variety of unique book-objects from recent years. A recurring theme of the exhibition is the relationship between the organic and the inorganic; nature and culture; the random and planned.

Through the works in the exhibition examines Vodder relationship between culture, understood as the artificial and inorganic, and its opposite, understood as the raw, the wild, wild. Her pictures contain traces of actions and of human expression; the artistic process and the hand motion. She works consciously with the incidental in its abstract images and put it against the found objects, clippings and materials she incorporates in his paintings and collages. Vodder are interested in our society's fascination and desire for things. We are in a use-and-throw-away culture where everything is considered outdated discarded. But things do not disappear completely. The deposited as traces and imprints, broken and shattered into dust. As a film of dead skin cells, circulates things are still around us.

Titled Growing Things, which can be understood as what it means to grow something, or as something that grows by itself, pointing Vodder on the phenomenon of growth. On the show she examines growth, understood as a bodily, physical experience and seeks also to ask about growth as a phenomenon in our culture often viewed in a positive light; to grow and expand, viewed positively, as an expression of human progress and economic prosperity. The exhibition's title also refers to Vodder notion of art as a spiritual embedded space where thoughts over time takes the form of an organic process; the jump from thought to action occurs a material and new things that has its own life, grows and creates again new thoughts.

Vodder In his new work also dealt with the Four Boxes' special architecture; how the building volumes create space and frames. As the building itself, with its courtyards and large windows reflect the exhibition works on the relationship between inside and outside, and how architecture and our environment in general, helps to control our behavior and influence our experience of the world.

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전시중인 APT 작가

Anna Fro Vodder

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