
Exercises for Lines

Vaal Gallery, Harjumaa, Tallinn, 08/01/2014 - 09/19/2014

Tartu mnt 80d

전시에 관하여

he third solo exhibition of Jaanika Peerna in her homeland Estonia turns the gallery Vaal into a gym where both imaginary and real lines can put their creativity and flexibility on test. 13-meter long straight lines hang between the ceiling and the floor while shorter lines try out their qualities on the walls of the gallery’s second floor.

Line has been one of the centerpieces of Peerna’s artistic creation since the beginning of her career in New York. The process of drawing is very demanding for the artist as it requires focused physical energy as well as concentration of mind. Only by combining these two has it been possible to create such straight lines as can be seen on the pieces of this exhibition. Peerna has been researching lines by means of drawing, video and light art combined with the techniques of installation and performance. Her recent production brings closer together the pieces of art created in the silence of the studio and pieces created during performances.

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Jaanika Peerna

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