

Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, Ile-de-France, Paris, 03/08/2014 - 04/19/2014

76 Rue de Turenne

전시에 관하여

The title “Post-Op”, which stands for “postoperative” and Post-optical, seeks to define a little known pictorial movement.

Artists: Michael Scott, Nicolas Roggy,  Florian and Michaël Quistrebert, Richard WrightManfred KuttnerPhilip TaaffePiero Dorazio, Blair ThurmanTillman KaiserJohn TremblayJulian HoeberSol LeWitt, Louise BourgeoisDieter Roth, Claudia Comte, Dan WalshRichard WrightHeinz Mack, Kazuko Miyamoto, Emilie Ding, Eric Baudart.

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전시중인 APT 작가

Richard Wright

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