
unREAL. The Algorithmic Present

Basel-Stadt, Basel, 06/08/2017 - 08/20/2017

Freilager-Platz 9 |


The group show examines the complexity of our digital age and presents the often hidden materiality of the bits and bytes by means of 24 works.

Art has always been a testbed for a notion of the real. In contemporary art of the last fifty years, the concept of real has often been characterized as an embodied engagement of social transformation and an imagined utopia against a pictorial formalism. With the advent of mass consumption of the Internet and the ubiquitous deployment of digital devices, a technologically constructed time-space has largely reshaped our concept of temporality and spatiality, work and play, politics and economics. Reality thus takes on a new level of complication that resists any easy categorization and signification. 

unREAL is an exhibition that attempts to confront the digital present through the very means of technological intervention both as critical examination as well as alternative prospects. The twenty-four works in the exhibition by international artists underscore the often-hidden materiality of bits and bytes, bringing to the fore the algorithmic processes that constitute our digital present. 


For More Information


Yuyang WANG

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