

Espace EDF Foundation, Ile-de-France, Paris, 10/04/2015 - 02/28/2016

6 rue Récamier, Paris


That's just 25 years that the EDF Foundation space hosts exhibitions that deal with man's relationship to nature, from art to life, or the environment. Because artistic expression contributes to raising awareness, the EDF Foundation wanted to give a particular resonance to the general debate of the end of 2015 on climate issues. She told Camille Morineau Space key to an original proposal in connection with this news. With thirty works, artists from all horizons, the bias is simple: to offer a metaphorical vision of climate issues, and allow everyone to question and apprehend them with poetry. For the final mobilize his own conscience.

They capture the materials or natural phenomena, allow us to observe the elusive tables or create chemical substances that are constantly evolving. Their flashes are neon, their cyclones made ​​of water and clouds bark peanut or ceramic. When some plunge us into a wave with a sound effect, others invent pocket biospheres to address urban pollution or are we stroking sweet dream to walk through a cloud .... 
In resonance with the 21 th Conference the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 2015 (COP21), the EDF Foundation offers from 4 October artificial climates, a substantial exhibition, which puts into perspective climate change through the eyes of contemporary artists renowned, including Marina Abramović, Hicham Berrada, Spencer Finch, Laurent Grasso, Hans Haacke, Ange Leccia, Yoko Ono and Pavel Peppertsein.

True poetic evocations of "Climates", nearly 30 installations, photographs and videos that illustrate the natural and artificial units we plan it today, symbolic that were attached to them and those that the contemporary world then created. Monumental, astonishing, utopians, disturbing, funny or touching, the exhibition emphasizes works by artists for whom the climate, in a broad sense, is a tool and not support a literal challenge. The question is thus posed artificiality. The illusionist will of man to produce images identical to that of nature meets the idea of ​​power subdue nature as to recreate it from scratch. The idea of ​​place above a cloud suggests a willingness as poetic utopian to imagine a new occupation of the Earth.


For More Information


Adrien Missika

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