

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, 05/02/2015 - 06/27/2015

Invalidenstraße 43


What can it mean to return “home”, anticipating an arrival at a known point of departure? Does the present recast that which we have in the past projected into the future? In what languages can our visions—generated amidst present-day realities—be transcribed, illustrated, and cast in space? Inspired by Georges Perec’s reflection on lived space in Espèces d‘espaces (Species of Space, 1974) and the House Project (1974–) by Icelandic artist Hreinn Friðfinnsson, the group exhibition “homecomings: PROJECTIVE SPACE” extends questions of projected futures and recursive architectures, mirrored within the rubrics of artistic production.
Based on a myth, Friðfinnsson built an inside-out house in a lava field of Iceland. By placing the wallpaper on the outside and the façade on the inside, he conceptually encapsulated the universe within his structure. Years later, returning to this original concept, a series of mirrored iterations successively dematerialized the house to a simple frame. Perec’s writing, guided too by a framework of interior logic, aggregates space through incremental delineation, where presence and absence, inside, outside codetermine: “Space is a doubt: I have constantly to mark it, to designate it.”
For the duration of the eight-week-long exhibition, “homecomings: PROJECTIVE SPACE” will host a comprehensive program of events. Please see attachment and the website for the full event schedule.
a node’s prosody  1 May, from 6pm 

Throughout the opening evening, a newly composed musical score correlating with Tanaz Modabber’s malleable sculpture will be performed by pianist Sara Tavakolimehr. 


The Bakery III  3 May, 1–4pm 

Egill Sæbjörnsson’s The Bakery III asks participants to envision future homes with invited architects and arts professionals, an open event to be creative through a medium that is both familiar and unfamiliar, displacing auto-cad with molding and modeling. The event is kid-friendly and open to all.

A publication with Archive Books—collecting and culling contributions from the exhibition and symposium series—will launch this coming fall.
“homecomings” is a project curated by Cassandra Edlefsen Lasch and Annabelle von Girsewald, funded by Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


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