
Process Art (B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E)

SCAD Museum of Art, 02/18/2014 - 06/22/2014



Process Art (B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E)

Feb. 18 - June 22, 2014

"Process Art (B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E)" by artist Nathan Mabry is a six-piece, sculpture-based installation that will be exhibited in the Alex Townsend Grand Courtyard at the SCAD Museum of Art.

Mabry’s sculptures evoke a poignant humor and notions of high- and low-brow aesthetics, merging the two in a jocular yet analytical way. In these works, Mabry appropriates the figures of Auguste Rodin’s "The Burghers of Calais," but in this case they are adorned with familiar American sports mascot heads. Mabry carefully chooses mascots with facial expressions that directly reflect the body language of the Burghers and fuses the somber feeling of the original into a cohesive contemporary union. In his own words, Mabry "crashes" multiple aesthetics together, building and expanding upon recontextualized contemporary metaphors.

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