Myriam Holme

Mannheim, Germany
APT Berlin

Myriam Holme was born in 1971 in Mannheim, Germany and lives and works today in Mannheim and Karlsruhe, Germany. She studied at the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Her work shows a simultaneous painterly and sculptural character, often consisting of a painting-like “carrier” which is worked on with wood stain, glass, enamel and acrylic paint. Dyed filaments, curls of veneer, wires, pearls, laces or metal spirals develop from the work into the room, producing content associations and simultaneously staying anchored in the realm of abstraction.

Selected solo shows include  auf bewußtseinsschollen, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Frankfurt, Germany (2015),  das genurmel an den rändern, Rudolf Scharpf Galerie, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany,  von donnerloser wucht, Galerie Kadel-Willborn, Karlsruhe, Germany, (2011)"tagenthobene nacht", kjubh, Köln, Germany (2010); "noch ungezeigte zeit", Kunstverein Ravensburg, DE (2009); "etwas, das leises gewohnt ist", Galerie Iris Kadel, Karlsruhe, Germany (2009); "freestyle", Art Forum Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2008); "erdwaertsgespiegelte wege", Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany (2007); "in zwischengewittern", Galerie Iris Kadel, Germany (2005); "feuerumsonnt", Projektraum bei Zink & Gegner Galerie, München, DE (2004); and "übersternte", Galerie Iris Kadel, Karlsruhe, DE (2003).

Her work has been shown in many international group shows, most recently including 

Galerie der Künstler, München, Germany (2016),Ballhaus Ost, Berlin,Germany (2015) Graphik-Kabinett-Backnang, Backnang, Germany (2014) NEST,  Den Haag,  Netherlands (2014) Galerie Häusler Contemporary,  München, <germany (2014) Museum Biedermann, Donaueschingen, Germany (2013) Kunstverein Willhelmshöhe, Ettlingen, GermanyKunstmuseum Solothurn, Schweiz (2013)Städtisches Kunstmuseum Singen, Germany (2012)  Kunsthalle Mannheim (2012); "adhesion", GLUE / Schaufenster, Berlin (2012); Galerie Nosbaum & Reding-Art Contemporain, Luxembourg (2011); Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig (2010); Musée d´Art Contemporain, Bordeaux (2010); Kunstverein Ludwigshafen (2010); SWISS ART INSTITUTION/ART FACTORY AG, Karlsruhe (2009); Galeria Miejska, bwa Bydgoszcz, Poland (2009); ArtHaus, Los Angeles, US (2009);  Regierungsviertel, Berlin (2008); and Project Space 176, London (2008).

The artist is represented at Bernhard Knaus Gallery Frankfurt

For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art