Liam Gillick: Extended Soundtrack For A Lost Production Line: Ton und Film

Zurich, Zürich, 04/08/2017 - 05/20/2017

Maag Areal, Zahnradstrasse 21


Galerie Eva Presenhuber is pleased to announce the fourth solo-exhibition by New York-based artist Liam Gillick. This is an exhibition of interruptions, secondary components and demonstrations. It both kills time and brings closer attention to the conceptual base of the artists work in recent years – namely an interest in production rather than consumption and new forms of work and life.

The exhibition concentrates on works by the artist that involve sound and film. Three structures – two audio based and one video based – are sited in the gallery, each one carrying a selection of works. A control system will allow visitors to experience the content of the exhibition according to a pre-programmed timing sequence. The works will be interrupted as our attention shifts from one structure to another. The production line of the exhibition will be indifferent to the content.

For the last twenty years, a lesser known aspect of the artist’s work has been his involvement with sound and video. Since the 1990s he has written and performed the soundtracks for various films, including Vicinato 2 and the films of Sarah Morris. Beginning at art school in the 1980s the artist has also produced a series of eclectic films and videos which often highlight the conceptual issues at the heart of his work. While the films and videos have been seen in exhibition contexts before, this is the first time so many have been brought together in one exhibition.

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Liam Gillick

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