Collectors Showcase 2016

Workhouse Arts Center, Virginia, Lorton, 01/16/2016 - 02/27/2016

9601 Ox Road


The Workhouse Arts Foundation if proud to present its annual Collectors Showcase exhibition and fundraiser, featuring a work of art from each studio and Associate artist at the Workhouse. This year, Sarah Newman, independent curator with past exhibits at the National Gallery of Art and Corcoran Gallery of Art, will select winners. The breath of artwork represents fiber, photography, painting, pastels, ceramics, glass, mixed media and more – one artwork from each of the 90 plus artists at the Workhouse. Each artwork will be available to take home to guest to the annual Workhouse Collectors Showcase event, when guest are selected at random to pick artwork. All funds go towards art, education and history at the Workhouse.

Sarah Newman is an independent curator, with current projects at the National Gallery of Art and the Katzen Center for the Arts at American University. Before that, she was a Consulting Curator of Modern art at the NGA and was the Curator of Contemporary Art at the Corcoran Gallery until 2014, where she organized commissioned projects and exhibitions by artists including Spencer Finch, Mia Feuer, Ellen Harvey, and Chris Martin. Newman is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, holds a B.A. from Williams College and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

For More Information


Ellen Harvey

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