I Wasn't Just Saying What You Wanted to Here

The Alice Gallery, Washington, Seattle, 03/12/2016 - 04/09/2016

6007 12th Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98108


I Wasn’t Just Saying What You Wanted To Hear... is an immersive video and sound exhibition that stages a conversation between five single-channel video artworks by five different artists.  ​

Each of the five screen-based works invents and occupies a charged psychological universe and its own distinctly metered sense of time. By presenting these works simultaneously in a one-room exhibition, this show creates a unique opportunity to tease additional interpretations, contexts and contingencies out of already resolved narrative forms.

A sustained cacophony creates a critical pause. This pause puts a viewer on the spot:

“As I approached, they suddenly became silent and glared at me.  They let me walk into the circle. I looked around, but nobody spoke.” (Jaeeun Lee)

... and then they do speak. Narrative authority is a midnight grammar game is the ethos of modern painting (revisited) is the bloat of technocapitalism is a message from a ghost is a willfully perverted secret is the science for lighting a romance film.  Egos flare, rhetoric unravels, protagonists emerge and recede.  The personal corrupts the political and the political corrupts the personal; “and no, I promise your hair is not receding.” (Constance DeJong)

​This conversation won’t resolve the conceptual problems it raises or the politics it complicates.


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