Ventana poniente / Southwest Window

OMR, Distrito Federal, México Distrito Federal, 02/02/2016 - 02/29/2016

Córdoba 100, Col. Roma CP 06700 Mexico City


OMR will open the doors to its new home officially and for the first time on February 2 with a solo show of APT artist  Jorge Méndez Blake entitled Ventana Poniente/Southwest Window. The show is an exploration around the space from where great minds create and created in the past. What effect does the space we inhabit and coexist within have upon our practice and lives? The show arose from the artist´s visit to the home of Emily Dickinson and from realizing that most of her work was written from a small studio, facing a small window and on a small desk. Jorge Méndez Blake plays with and between disciplines to materialize literature and show how the physical space in no way limits greatness.

Dickinson guessed in her own time the structure of her poetry. Her forward thinking took decades to be understood. The rhythm of her verses and the intonation of her poetry forever marked this literary form. Those mystery hyphens, the silent invitation to look into the abyss to see ourselves reflected, that mediation between the concrete and the transcending, the subtle yet wild gaze, the fight to defend the empty canvas where creation can ride freely—all of this has been appropriated, invigorated and arranged through the alternative language that Jorge Méndez Blake points toward in his practice. The way the artist re-reads is in itself a way of writing, his writing becomes both sculpture and canvas. His work inscribes itself within Dickinson's testament and widens the vast catalogue of correspondence the poet knit with her recipients and accomplices in a search to fine-tune the sound of silence.

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