
Kunsthalle Lissabon: Greater than the Sum

Ealing, London, 05/05/2017 - 07/29/2017

111 Great Titchfield Street


The 10th edition of DRAF Curators’ Series presents Greater than the Sum, an exhibition by Kunsthalle Lissabon. With artists including André Guedes (Portugal), Diogo Evangelista (Portugal), Mounira Al Solh (Lebanon), Céline Condorelli (Switzerland) & Amalia Pica (Argentina), Jonathas de Andrade (Brazil).

DRAF Curators’ Series supports independent curators by commissioning special research-based projects, considering the curator as an author. Following Arcadia Missa in 2016, this is the second invitation in the series to a space rather than an individual curator.

Kunsthalle Lissabon, despite its faux-institutional name, is a small independent space, founded in 2009 by curators João Mourão and Luis Silva, in Lisbon. Greater than the Sum looks at Kunsthalle Lissabon’s original and dynamic curatorial approach, which places ‘radical hospitality’ – defined as sociability, solidarity and generosity – at the core of the institution.

The exhibition revisits some of the close collaborations with artists that have shaped the programme. The works presented in the exhibition represent ideas of friendship, community and playfulness, and many are themselves products of collaborations.

For More Information


Celine Condorelli

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