
Wholesome Environment

Islas Baleares, Palma, 05/05/2017 - 06/04/2017

Carrer del Bisbe Moncadas 2


It is generally held that when faced with a complex and heterogeneous work – as in the case of Proustian Recherche – even though it may be surprising, one should consider that only a very fertile cultural milieu can make it possible. Everything revolves around the recherche du temps perdu and given that it has been lost, it does not really matter whether it is about inner time or external time. The place that hosts this time can only be reached through the techniques of “seeing through” and of “probing the depths.” It is, in fact, an art made of a deep feeling, of analogies revealing the essence of things, of sudden inspiration, of interiority and temporal transcendence, in search of the lost sensation

The structure of Wholesome Environment is essentially based on the Lost Time-Time retrieved binary and tends to overcome it. Understanding, therefore, what time is composed of in order to try to escape its course is fundamental. This retrieved time outside of time is still a time; indeed it is time in its purest essence. And the environment, in which this retrieved time persists, is spontaneous, and what it aspires to is life itself awakened by involuntary memory.

Seeing as how spectators will be transported into an extra-temporal and multiform reality that will allow them to escape the present and enjoy the essence of things outside of canonical time pronounced by clocks, it is hoped that they will experience a wonderful feeling of “happiness.” The works on display play with this circle of life, continually trying to find the most raw and true sensation exhibited in its nakedness, exposed to a chronology that shies away – the incipit of which is repeatedly stolen. Perhaps that temps perdu that Marcel Proust wants to retrieve is precisely this and perhaps there is no height or health to reach in order to attain the aforementioned “happiness” (the title of the exhibition is intentionally sarcastic). This environment is therefore the world of the strongest and most corporeal, the freshest and most genuine sensations and its bowels are imbued with them.

For More Information


Karla Black

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