
Terminal P

CENTRE DE CULTURE CONTEMPORAINE, Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, 06/17/2016 - 08/28/2016

14 Rue de l'École de Pharmacie, 34000 Montpellier, France


Airports are one of the most revealing places in our world. Gates for trips and dreams, totally artificial organized environments, these places where we just go through offer a sort of microcosm, a magnifying lens for some of the aspects of our world: globalization, mobility, flow, business trade, surveillance… With works from the digital arts, installations, sound, videos and photography, La Panacée will be filled with visual and acoustic signals, transforming the place into airport environment: destination boards, security gates, landing strips… while questioning our world through original grids.

With works from Cécile Babiole, Jasmina Cibic, Stéphane Degoutin & Gwenola Wagon, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Marnix De Nijs, Thibaut De Ruyter, Johan Gimonprez, Matthias Gommel, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Alex Mac Lean, RAQS Media Collective, Taryn Simon, David Thomas Smith, Wolfgang Tillmans, Mark Wallinger

For More Information


Jasmina Cibic

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