

Berlin-Britzenale, Berlin, Berlin, 04/22/2016 - 04/23/2016

Blaschkoallee 52, 12359 Berlin-Britz


The BerlinBritzenale 2016 dedicates itself to contemporary art in the semi-public space. 14 artists embark on this quest in a 400m2 large garden plot in the garden colony "Morgentau" in Berlin-Britz.

Fences are elementary objects for allotments, as they describe the visible and sometimes unsuperable separation between the private own, the neighbours and the public space. This demarcation and security is of great importance for the functioning of an allotment, which also explains the high density of flags and rims inside the colonies. The BerlinBritzenale wants to highlight, among other things, these territorial claims artistically and to open the garden for visitors. The well-known stereotypes of allotments, the behaviour of the tenant farmers and the speciality about gardening and harvesting is examined under the microscope.

The BerlinBritzenale is made possible through the commitment of the participating artists and curated by Christof Zweiner. With Frederik Foert, Ingo Gerken, Folke Köbberling, Bettina Khano, Ulrike Mohr, Carola Rümper, Sonya Schönberger, Vincent Tavenne, Philip Topolovac, Bernd Trasberger, Raul Walch, Ina Weber, Markus Wirthmann, Markus Zimmermann

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Ulrike Mohr

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