
PSICHE E CORPO ALLA PROVA: elaborare il trauma della guerra

Nuovo Teatro Comunale, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Gradisca D'isonzo, 04/18/2015

Via Marzisno Ciotti 10, Gradisca d'Isonzo


Special meeting  of APT international contemporary artist Mladen Miljanović with Dr. Paolo Fonda, Director Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe and, at the Court of Alviano in Gradisca d'Isonzo.

Trauma so huge, such as those created by the Great War, could not be fully processed. If you have killed 10 million human beings, there must have been millions of other human beings who killed them, but not in the memories has vanished ... how much of what remained closed, like a shapeless stone in a corner of mind, for a long time not worked, and handed on to subsequent generations?

Answers this question Dr. Paolo Fonda, Director Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe, and consultant in the similar specialized institutions of Latin America and China. Groupal trauma expert (see the contribution in the book "The Uncanny in history - The sinkholes"), Dr. Fonda is interested in the psychological roots of the ethnic conflict. Intervention reveals how today we are continuing, or recovering, processing what our grandfathers and our fathers have bequeathed.

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