

Region Metropolitana, Santiago, 03/21/2015

Av. Matucana Central Station No. 100


The Matucana Cultural Center presents Radetzky Loop , an installation by Ivan Navarro in collaboration with the Atom ™ musician. This work is in the field of aesthetic resistance, because re-means a tire, regularly used for very different from this project ends. For one, the wheel truck transport minerals like copper that serves the important function of moving the popularly called "Salary Chile" (which are the profits earned by government CODELCO, from the sale of copper). On the other hand, ironically said energy function as a barricade to marches and street protests, which highlights its dramatic and interrupting flow of pedestrian traffic noise.

The tire becomes a micro listening room, where the visitor is immersed in an industrial and intimate space, with fragments of sounds of the popular march Radeztky. Sound activated memory military power, possibly recorded in the social collective unconscious.

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Iván Navarro

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