
Wall to Wall, Floor to Ceiling

Tel Aviv Museum of art, Tel Aviv District, Tel Aviv, 02/14/2014 - 08/30/2014


Wall to Wall Floor to Ceiling was comissioned by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. This work contains 12 forms, 6 white attached to the ceiling and 6 grey attached to the floor. The forms push each other out of the way and in so doing create a moving changing environment which visitors are invited to interact with by a work created specifically for this show by Andy Graydon. Portions of this work are furry to invite visitors to fondle, lay upon, or sit upon the slowly engorging and disgorging forms.

For Alex Schweder (b. 1970), architecture is passion: people’s behavior in space, the way spaces construct human relations and induce self-reflection. Schweder fabricates “breathing” spaces comprising raised floors and thrusting walls; architecture that provides an experience of contraction and expansion, compression and translocation, cyclical performance choreography of change in constructed cycles within inflated/deflated bubbles.

Schweder studied architecture at the Pratt Institute and in Princeton. He has recently exhibited at the Lisbon Architecture Triennial, the Tate Britain and the Marrakech Biennial. 


Faux Fur, Viny,l and Fan Blown Air, 
9 ’-0” x 21’-0” x 30’-0”, 2014.

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